

早上还想着如何在VPS实现HTTP/2,晚上就收到CloudFlare的邮件--Your website just got faster with CloudFlare HTTP/2,原来CloudFlare的CDN服务正式全面支持HTTP/2,实在是太爽太激动了。


As of this morning, CloudFlare has enabled HTTP/2 on your web property.

If your site was using SPDY before, you won’t have to make any changes to your code to stay up to date with modern browsers.
If your site wasn’t using SPDY, it is now dramatically faster.

HTTP/2 is the new and improved version of HTTP and is optimized for the modern website—making CSS, JavaScript, image assets and any other resources load simultaneously without complicated techniques like domain sharding and file concatenation.

如果以前在CloudFlare的CDN已经设置为SPDY,现在不需要做任何设置既已升级HTTP/2。HTTP/2是什么?那我还是引用维基百科的内容吧--HTTP/2(超文本传输协议第2版,最初命名为HTTP 2.0),是HTTP协议的的第二个主要版本,使用于万维网。HTTP/2是HTTP协议自1999年HTTP 1.1发布后的首个更新,主要基于SPDY协议。HTTP/2的目标包括异步连接复用,头压缩和请求反馈管线化并保留与HTTP 1.1的完全语义兼容。 继续阅读